Tours of Tuscany

Tours of Tuscany
Join this small group tour and immerse yourself in the current of sensation for a week of food, wine and culture in Tuscany.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Concert

Christmas Concert

The Consulate of Italy in Brisbane, in collaboration with Co.As.It and Com.It.Es wishes the Italian and Australian community a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with a concert by Italian pianist Olga Zdorenko Landi

Olga Zdorenko Landi graduated in 1994 in piano at the ''Tchaikovskij'' Academy of Music in Moscow with E. Malinin and in 2001 with S. Perticaroli at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome. She has won awards at several international piano competitions and has performed in the most prestigious European concert halls.

When - Saturday 15th December 2007-12-03 from to 6pm

Where - St.Brigid’s Catholic Church, 78 Musgrave Road, Red Hill

Panettone and Champagne will be served after the concert

Entrance is free, however booking is essential by calling Co.As.It on 3352 5755


Olga Zdorenko was born in Kiev in Ukraine.

In 1994 she received her degree in piano with the highest grades and honors from the Ciaikovskij Conservatory of Moscow under the guidance of Eugeni Malinin.
She perfected her art with Rudolf Buchbinder, Viktor Merjianov and Hans Graaf. In 2001 she graduated with Sergio Perticaroli from the National Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome, Italy. with the highest grades.

She has won awards in numerous international competitions such as: “Young Russian Talents”, “Carlo Zecchi” of Rome, the “Golden Palm” of Finale Ligure, “The Sulmona Competition”, “The San Remo Classic”, The “Carlo Soliva”.

She has performed concerts at the most important European theatres such as: The Kammermusiksaal of the Philharmonic of Berlin, The Grand Hall Ciaikovskij of Moscow, The Odeon Theatre of Athens, the Eliseo Theatre of Rome, The Olimpico Theatre of Rome, The Theatre “Le Ciminiere” of Catania, The Pleyel Hall of Paris, The Cathedral of Taormina, The Auditorium of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia, The Philharmonic of Kiev and The Conservatory of Naples S. Pietro at Maiella.
She has been invited to perform at numerous Festivals, including The Faust Festival of Basilea, The International Festival of Villa Giulia in Rome, The Concert Series “Jenuesse-Musical” at the Philharmonic of Klagenfurt, The Piano Series of the Rome Philharmonic, The Festival “Horovitz” of Kiev, The Festival “Per La Pace” of Sarajevo.

She has collaborated with some of the most important European Orchestras: The Philharmonic Orchestra of Moscow, The Symphonic Orchestra of State of Kiev, The Symphonic Orchestra of Sarajevo, The Philharmonic Orchestra of Klagenfurt, The Orchestra Verdi of Milan, The Camera Orchestra of The Academy of S.Cecilia, The Philharmonic Orchestra of Meklenberg, and with The Orchestra of Radio and Television of Zagabria.

In the sphere of Camera Music she has collaborated with the violinist Pavel Bermann and with the cellist Rodolfo Bonucci.

In 2005 she collaborated with the soloists of The Berlin Philharmonic for the project “Mahler Academy” under the artistic direction of Claudio Abbado.
Olga Zdorenko is constantly invited as a soloist and in camera groups, in many European countries, including Austria, France, Germany, Greece, England, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, and Ucraine.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007



Consolato d’Italia in Brisbane
Federazione Internazionale di sport a rotelle (FIRS)
Federazione italiana hockey e pattinaggio (FIHP)


Domenica scorsa, 4 novembre, l’Onorevole Sabatino Aracu, deputato del Parlamento Italiano dal 1996 e attuale Presidente della Federazione Internazione pattinaggio a rotelle (FIRS), giunto in Australia con una folta delegazione della Federazione Internazionale e della Federazione italiana hockey e pattinaggio (FIHP), ha aperto, con un richiamo ai veri valori dello sport, i campionati mondiali di pattinaggio a rotelle presso lo sport complex di Carrara (Gold Coast). Oltre al Presidente Aracu, erano presenti alla suggestiva cerimonia il Sindaco della Gold Coast Ron Clarke, il Console d’Italia in Brisbane, Francesco Capecchi ed un folto pubblico di appassionati.

da sinistra a destra, il Segretario Generale della FIRS, Roberto Marotta; il Presidente della FIRS, On. Sabatino Aracu; il Console Francesco Capecchi e il Direttore di New Realm Media, Alessandro Sorbello.

Preme ricordare che il pattinaggio a rotelle è da sempre uno degli sport più medagliati per l‘Italia e che le grandi potenzialita’ dei 171 atleti italiani, gia’ nei primi giorni stanno emergendo. Nella prima fase dei campionati, quella riservata alla categoria juniores e alla solo dance, il bottino di medaglie per i nostri atleti è stato a dir poco eccezionale. Sette ori, tre argenti e tre bronzi sono un attestato inequivocabile di una supremazia che nessun altra nazionale è in grado di mettere in discussione.

Le qualità dei nostri atleti in uno sport che in Italia vanta 10 milioni di praticanti (nella maggior parte amatori) sono emerse sin dalla prima giornata, nella specialità degli obbligatori maschili e femminili. Nella gara maschile il podio più alto è stato conquistato dall’atleta romagnolo Andrea Poli, mentre il bronzo è andato all’altro azzurro Marco Cantucci. Andrea Poli ha condotto una gara regolare meritandosi il titolo davanti all’atleta tedesco Clad ed al campione del mondo 2006 Marco Santucci.

Fra le ragazze Michela Atzori, al suo primo mondiale, ha lottato per i primi posti, e alla fine è salita sul terzo gradino del podio, alle spalle della statunitense Brittany Adams, mentre l’oro, anche quest’anno, è stato vinto dall’atleta tedesca Julia Woyciechowski, già campionessa mondiale 2006.

La seconda giornata ha visto in pista le atlete della Solo Dance, nel programma libero, dove le azzurre Martina Tosini e Valeria Zorzin, in un testa a testa, si sono aggiudicate rispettivamente la medaglia di bronzo ed il 4° posto, dietro alle fortissime atlete statunitensi.

Nella finale delle Coppie Danza infine ha prevalso la coppia Giannelli/Brun che ha condotto una gara brillante e corretta dall’inizio alla fine conquistando la medaglia d’oro davanti alle coppie statunitensi. Quarti la coppia La Neve/Campagna che ha concluso con una buona prestazione il programma libero.

Nella terza giornata le gare più attese, quelle il libero maschile e femminile, che si sono concluse con un trionfo italiano. Oro per Marco Santucci e argento di Andrea Poli, fra i maschi, seguiti dall’atleta francese Garcia Frederic. La perfomarce ha regalato ai nostri anche i primi due posti nella combinata. Oro a Andrea Poli, argento a Marco Santucci e bronzo al tedesco Markus Lell.

La gara è stata molto avvincente ed emozionante dall’inizio alla fine anche perché l’atleta francese si è dimostrato un avversario ostico. C’è voluta tutta la classe e l’intelligenza dei nostri tecnici per permettere ai nostri ragazzi di esprimere al meglio le qualità indiscusse di cui sono dotati.

Nel libero femminile la star è stata, come previsto, Debora Sbei che ha vinto con grande sicurezza su tutto il lotto delle avversarie. Terzo posto per l’altra italiana Cristina Trani risalita,con un incredibile rimonta dall’11° posto dello short program fino a conquistare la medaglia di bronzo.

Supremazia delle coppie italiane anche nella gara coppie artistico dove Binotto/Lanzanova hanno conquistato l’oro con un programma privo di errori e pattinando in maniera molto scorrevole.

L’altra coppia Squadrani/De Gregorio si è aggiudicata la medaglia d’argento eseguendo un ottimo programma sotto il profilo tecnico.

Concluse le fatiche degli junior sabato pomeriggio si è svolto il 1° Campionato del Mondo della categoria Piccoli Gruppi Show e Grandi Gruppi Show.

Fra i piccoli gruppi l’Italia si è fatta onore con i due gruppi Division e Evolution, che hanno presentato degli ottimi programmi, indubbiamente rivisti e molto migliorati, rispetto a quelli presentati ai campionati italiani ed hanno ottenuto rispettivamente il 5° ed il 6° posto, mentre il podio più alto è stato conquistato da un gruppo spagnolo.
Piccola delusione per le aspettative di tecnici ed atleti che puntavano ad un piazzamento migliore.

Nella gara dei grandi gruppi vi è stata una grande battaglia tra i gruppi spagnoli, italiani ed argentini Alla fine si è riconfermato campione del mondo il gruppo spagnolo di Olot. Piazza d’onore per il gruppo Italiano Antitesi che ha presentato “Ribellion”. Terzo posto per gli argentini. Appena un gradino sotto il podio il nostro gruppo Cristal che ha presentato “il nobile gioco degli scacchi”. Anche in questa categoria il livello tecnico è stato molto elevato e i gruppi italiani, con coreografie e costumi molto originali, sono stati apprezzati ed applauditi calorosamente da tutto il pubblico presente.

Una grande soddisfazione è arrivata, infine, per la nostra nazionale, da Silvia Marangoni che per il secondo anno consecutivo, ha guadagnato il gradino più alto del podio nella specialità dell’ In Line. Silvia, al termine di una prova molto entusiasmante e agonisticamente difficile, in quanto partiva dalla seconda posizione dello Short program, ha recuperato lo svantaggio sull’atleta australiana Kristen Slade strappandole la medaglia d’oro.

Nella gara dei Gruppi Sincronizzato sfortunata la prova del Gruppo Albinea. Al termine del programma, un guasto tecnico ha provocato la caduta di un’atleta che ha trascinato gli altri componenti del gruppo, fatto questo che determinato la conseguente penalizzazione nel secondo punteggio. L’altro squadra in gara, “Sincroroller”, ha presentato un programma nuovo con un Gruppo molto rinnovato. Il terzo Gruppo “Rhegium” era al suo esordio ad un Campionato del Mondo e non ha sfigurato.

Per chi fosse interessato a seguire i campionati, il sito ufficiale dell’evento è e dal 7 novembre e’ possibile seguire i Campionati Senior live sul sito

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Delhi celebrates Italian language week

New Delhi, Oct 24, (IANS) Italian Language Week is being celebrated in the capital, as in other parts of the world, through film screenings, photography exhibitions and lectures under the theme 'Italian Language and the Sea'.

Organised by the Italian Cultural Institute, the celebrations began Monday and will stress on the intermingling of cultures through the chosen theme.

'It is a week-long celebration in the world at different Italian institutes and embassies,' Patrizia Raveggi, director of the cultural institute here, said late Tuesday.

The sea has been chosen as the focal point of this year's theme because a large part of Italy's history was based on the sea. The sea has inspired poets and artists from many parts of the world, has dictated joyful and melancholic songs to its inhabitants through its various moods.
Patrizia said intermingling of cultures had gained importance in today's world.
'Mixing of different cultures has become very important as it teaches a lot about (each other), helps an individual to grow in terms of education and in finding them better job opportunities,' she said.

The cultural week will include an exhibition of photographs by the Italian Geographical society, Rome, screening of Italian films, lectures and a tribute to late opera tenor Luciano Pavarotti, who died earlier this year.

The University of Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Jamia Millia Islamia, will also be hosting events marking the Italian Language Week celebrations.

7th “Italian Language Week Worldwide”

The Italian Language and the Sea (22– 28 October 2007) “The Italian Language and the Sea” is the theme of the 7th “Italian Language Week Worldwide”, which will be taking place from 22 to 28 October 2007. The event is being organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the network of Embassies, Consulates, Italian Cultural Institutes, university departments of Italian, and Italian schools abroad.

The initiative, which enjoys the patronage of the President of the Republic, has since 2001 been the main international event promoting the Italian language. It has grown ever-more successful, with 1300 events in 80 countries for the 2006 edition. The Accademia della Crusca, which provides specialist advice and input, the Dante Alighieri Society and the RAI broadcasting corporation, with a focus on Rai International and Rai Educational, also cooperate closely in organising the “Week”.

Why devote the 7th edition of the Language Week to the sea? Because Italy’s sea has inspired artists and poets the world over. It has encouraged explorers and seen millions of Italians set forth for far-off lands in search of fortune. The history of Italy has largely been built on the sea, from the colonies of Magna Graecia to the Maritime Republics. And through the sea, the Italian language has acted as a bridge playing a vital role in spreading a knowledge and appreciation of Italy abroad.

Italian Language Week: The Art of Words Annual Project

Italian Language Week: The Art of Words Annual Project Celebrates the Italian Language Join the Discussion "Italian, on a par with Spanish, has bestowed the greatest number of words on the Anglo-American tongue"KIAORA3 "L'Italiano e le arti della parola" (the Italian language and the art of words). That's the theme chosen for the second annual "Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo" (Week of the Italian Language in the World), which will take place from October 14th to the 19th in Italy. The project is being organized by the Ministero degli Affari Esteri (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and the management of the ministry's Cultural Promotion, with the collaboration of the Accademia della Crusca, the Società Dante Alighieri, the Fondazione Corriere della Sera, RAI International, and RAI Educational.

Institutions Promote Italian Language and CultureThe initiative, inaugurated with much success in 2001 both in Italy and abroad, renews the commitment of Italian institutions to the promotion and diffusion of the Italian language and culture in the international arena. To underscore the importance of the cultural initiative, a number of institutions, such the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, the Ministero dell'Istruzione, the Unione Latina, and the Fondazione Cassamarca all actively support activities and events during the Week.

Events to celebrate Week of the Italian Language in the World include a nation-wide writing contest, a video conference, radio and television shows on RAI, and special online multimedia features.

Number of Foreigners Learning Italian RisesThe Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo comes at an auspicious time for the Italian language. According to a recent study, there has been an increase in the number of people outside Italy studying Italian. In the last five years, the number of foreign students studying Italian at cultural institutes has increased by almost 40%. And, according to the university La Sapienza of Rome, the number of pages in Italian on the Internet has also increased to 3.96% of the total. Although Italian ranks nineteenth in the world for the number of persons who speak it, the data shows that Italian is in roughly fourth or fifth position in the number of courses attended by foreign students.

Much of the increase in demand has come from commerce, industry and tourism. However, traditional motivations for learning the language remain: Italian is still considered a language of culture and also a way for Italian immigrants to maintain contacts and ties with their distant homeland.

7th week of Italian language opened in Astana

October 23. KAZINFORM /Bauyrzhan Mukanov/ The 7th week of the Italian language

Italian language and sea has been opened today in the National Academic Library in Astana, Kazinform correspondent reports.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Italy to Kazakhstan Bruno Pasquino took part in opening the event.

“The week of the Italian language is being held in Kazakhstan for the second time. The opening of an exhibitions on 'Salgari Sea' (Italian writer) and 'Amerigo Vespucchi' (ship) took place within the frame of the week,” he said.

An Italian film will be demonstrated within the frame of the event.

UNE celebrates 'Italian and the Sea'October 23, 2007

The University of New England is participating in a world-wide celebration of the Italian language and Italian culture this week.

The theme of this year's celebration – the seventh annual Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo ("Week of Italian Language in the World") – is "Italian and the Sea".

The Italian Section in UNE's School of Arts has organised a half-day program of short illustrated talks, Italian music, poetry, food and wine, and finally an Italian feature film, on Thursday 25 October in Arts Lecture Theatre A2, beginning at 1 pm. Everyone is welcome to this free public event.

Benjamin Thorn and Cecile Michels will perform the music on authentic instruments (ocarinas, recorders and harp), and illustrated talks by Eric Acheson and Anna Cavallaro will evoke the maritime history and architectural splendour of Sicily.

Brennan Wales (Convener of Italian at UNE) will give some short poetry recitations, two students will read brief, sea-inspired Italian compositions of their own, and another student will sing an early 17th century love song with a sea-related theme.

Refreshments, served at 2 pm, will be followed by the screening of the film Mediterraneo (directed by G. Salvatores) – a romantic drama set on a Mediterranean island during World War II.

Short addresses by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Alan Pettigrew, the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Professor Margaret Sedgley, and the Head of the School of Arts, Associate Professor Kerry Dunne, will begin the program at 1 pm. Brennan Wales said that UNE's participation in this year's "Week of Italian Language in the World" was made possible – as in previous years – by the generous support of the Italian Consulate General in Sydney. "Our relationship with the Consulate continues to be a very productive one," he said, "and is of great benefit to us and our students."

Italian Government Awards Cuban Professor

Havana, Oct 23 (acn) As part of the 7th International Week of the Italian Language, the Government of that European nation will bestow the Star of the Italian Solidarity Order on Regla Arango Polanco, Cuban professor at the University of Havana.
Cuban News Agency
Commercial and cultural counselor at the Italian Embassy in Havana, Marco Giomini, said this decoration is awarded every year by the Italian President.

The official ceremony will take place in Salon 250 of the University of Havana, where the Italian ambassador in Cuba, Domenico Vecchioni, will invest Arango Polanco, who is also General Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course on the Italian Language and Culture, with the First Degree Knighthood.

Giomini noted that the Italian Foreign Minister, along with the Academia della Cruzca, have organized a program of activities throughout this week to take place at the University of Havana, the Dante Alighieri Society, Ruben Martinez Villena Library, and the Havana Historian’s Office.

The week, called "The Italian and the sea", will run until Sunday 28.
It will include talks, lectures and the screening of films that will be donated later to the bibliographic funds of the Dante Alighieri Society in Havana.

Giomini also said Cuba is putting the finishing touches on the program of the 10th Italian Culture Week in Cuba, which this year will be dedicated to Giuseppe Garibaldi on the occasion of his 200th birthday.

Tbilisi Celebrates ‘VII Week of Italian Language and Culture in the World’

“Our main goal is to satisfy the thrust for Italian language,” said Ambassador of Italy to Georgia, Vittorio Sandalli, at a news conference on October 19. The Week for Italian Language and Culture in the World is held annually worldwide with Georgia participating every year as well. This is the 7th week of the event.

The Italian embassy to Georgia organized the event in collaboration with the Embassy of Switzerland, and the Georgian Ministry of Culture, Monuments and Sports. “The Italian Language and the Sea” is this year’s theme, chosen by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Sandalli said, “We have picked this motto because for us – Italians– the sea is a very sensitive and most important topic. The sea almost surrounds our country and we don’t just use it for commercial purposes. The sea has given Italians a way to access any place in the world in search of happy life.”

According to the embassy, for the VII annual Week of Italian Language and Culture in the World a number of events will be held at different cultural and educational sites in downtown Tbilisi. The week will open on Monday at the Tbilisi History Museum Karvasla at 6pm, with the photo exhibit “A Window over the Sea.”

According to M. Rita Giancola, an organizer of the photo exhibition, they selected three photographers: Davide Caporaletti, Roberto Sardo, and Alessandro Eusebi, because all three of them, “have very different views and are very interesting.” For example, one of them uses very old methods of developing film. The exhibit is dedicated to Italian Maestro Luciano Pavarotti, she added.

On October 22, Tbilisi State University will host Professor Paola Gilardi, representing University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He will give a lecture on Italian language and its various dialects spoken in Switzerland.

On October 23, at the Cinema House at 6.30pm, Dr. Gilardi will give a public lecture about the sociolinguistic situation of the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. At 8pm, Esilio e passione. La saga dei Bruni (Exile and passion. The legend of the Brunis), a documentary about a Swiss family that emigrated to the Russian Tsarist Empire 200 years ago will be shown.

On October 24, at the Italian Cultural Centre, Ilia Chavchavadze State University’s Professor Glauco Maria Marfuri, will give a lecture: The Italians and The Sea, about the history of the Italians on the sea particularly referring to Italian ships and navigators, the sailors’ language and the languages of the sea.

On October 26, at 6pm, Shota Rustaveli State University of Theatre and Cinema will hold a conference on Italian masterpieces, narrating the changes and evaluations in Italian art from ancient to modern times.

On October 28, at 5.30pm, at Iv. Javakhishvili State University, Professor Franco Cardini, historian, writer and winner of several national and international prizes will close the VII Week of Italian Language and Culture in the World with a lecture: “Europe, the Mediterranean Sea and the Caucasus: Similarities and Differences.”

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Comunita’ aborigena del Nord Queensland

Avendo letto di recente sui mezzi di informazione soprattutto italiani, articoli e approfondimenti sul tema degli Aborigeni in Australia, corre l’obbligo segnalare la preziosa attivita’ che lo stato italiano svolge a sostegno della Comunita’ aborigena del Nord Queensland, attraverso una azione coordinata di questo Consolato, della Direzione Didattica e dell’Ente Italian School Committee del Queensland che concentrata sull’educazione interculturale e la promozione della lingua italiana. Si invia una scheda riassuntiva.

Ringraziando per l’attenzione, si resta a disposizione per eventuali approfondimenti.
Per ulteriori informazioni sull'attivita' dell'Italian School Committee in Queensland:

Come Console per il Queensland e i Territori del Nord ho di recente visitato la scuola Kuranda District State School per potenziare l’impegno per l’insegnamento dell’italiano in essa e per valorizzare e comunicare la significativa esperienza di dialogo e incontro tra culture diverse, aborigena, australiana, italiana che descrivo in dettaglio.

La Kuranda District School e’ una scuola distrettuale del North Queensland e sorge in una zona rurale ai bordi della foresta pluviale. Nel 2007 e’ stata unificata con la locale scuola superiore, assumendo l’attuale status di scuola distrettuale con 220 studenti di cui 88 appartenenti alla comunita’ aborigena.

Ho avuto modo di incontrare gli esponenti della predetta Comunita’, che in quell’area vive integrata nel tessuto sociale. Il “capo spirituale”, Senior Willie, mi ha raccontato come la scelta di mandare i bambini a scuola costituisse un passo sofferto, visto che nella cultura aborigena, l’istruzione avviene per tradizione in modo diretto attraverso la partecipazione alla vita della comunita’. Gli adulti in sostanza sono anche educatori dei bambini di tutta la Comunita’.

Considero segno di grande rispetto e stima nei confronti dell’Italia e privilegio, avere avuto l’invito a fare una esperienza proprio nei luoghi che essi considerano sacri.

Ho avuto modo di constatare come i bambini aborigeni studino la nostra lingua con profitto e interesse, grazie alla capacita’ dell’insegnante di italiano, Abigal Noli e dell’insegnante di musica aborigeno che hanno saputo coinvolgerli in attivita’ comuni, quali calcio, il canto, i giochi.

Questi risultati sono frutto di un’attivita’ preparatoria svolta da questo Consolato e dall’Ente Italian School Commitee e all’impulso del preside italo-australiano Chris Capra. Grazie allo sforzo congiunto e’ stato inserito fra le discipline curricolari della scuola l’insegnamento della lingua italiana nelle classi 4,5,6 (equiparabili agli ultimi anni delle “nostre” elementari e alle scuole medie).

Fin dal 2005 la scuola aveva promosso una vasta consultazione della Comunita’ aborigena al fine di adeguare il curriculum scolastico ai bisogni educativi, di promuovere il coinvolgemento delle famiglie e la promozione della cultura aborigena, cercando quindi il coinvolgimento di quest’ultima nelle scelte decisionali.

Il risultato di questa fase preliminare e’ stata la sperimentazione del programma FAFT (Families As First Teachers), che ha permesso alla scuola di ottenere il Regional Showed Award per l’eccellenza nella scuola dell’infanzia.

Il programma valorizza i genitori come educatori e i membri della Comunita’ come figure importanti del processo di socializzazione e di educazione diretta. Le interrelazioni tra scuola e Comunita’ permettono di riconoscere e utilizzare gli stili di apprendimento parentali, di organizzare workshops a scuola e nelle comunita’ anche piu’ remote, con l’aiuto di un team di insegnanti e operatori sociali e sanitari.

Una serie di attivita’ come pittura digitale, costruzione di giocattoli e materiali educativi, fotografia, laboratori sulla trasmissione della cultura orale sono state sviluppate in un clima di insegnamento/apprendimento reciproci che ha avuto il merito di aumentare la fiducia, il rispetto e l’autostima dei protagonisti di questa importante esperienza autenticamente interculturale.

Piu’ di 100 membri della Comunita’ hanno frequentato in 5 differenti aree i workshops ispirati al “mutual learning” del programma FAFT . Dalla valutazione qualitativa e quantitativa dei dati raccolti e’ emerso un generale miglioramento dell’apprendimento, delle relazioni scuola – famiglia, della comunicazione intergenerazionale.

In definitiva sono stati osservati una riduzione del 74% di comportamenti negativi e l’aumento del 337% di comportamenti positivi tra gli studenti aborigeni. La frequenza scolastica della prescuola e del primo anno della scuola primaria e’ passata dal meno 50% prima della sperimentazione del programma FAFT a +85% dopo l’avvio del programma.
A titolo esmplificativo si riporta il commento di un membro della comunita’ Martha Brim, genitore aborigeno:

"Our communities like having the FAFT program as it shows families what they can do to help their kids before they start school. That will make it easier when they go to grade 1. We enjoy getting together and learning about the kinds of things our kids will do when they go to school. Some kids are frightened about school and FAFT helps them feel good about going. They get to know the teachers and so do we. We love this program so much."

Francesco Capecchi
Console d'Italia per il Queensland e Territorio del Nord
AMP Place, Level 14
10 Eagle Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Web site:

Tel. +61 7 3229 8944
Fax +61 7 3229 8643

FOTO 1. Il Console Francesco Capecchi, con alcuni dei bambini della scuola
FOTO 2. I Bambini della scuola
FOTO 3. Foto di gruppo. Si riconoscono da sinistra, il primo da sinistra, il Vice Presidente dell’Italian School Committee, John Bomben; il terzo da sinistra, il Console d'Italia per il Queensland e il Territorio del Nord, Francesco Capecchi; da destra: il primo da destra, il preside della scuola di Kuranda, Chris Capra; il Capo della Comunita’ aborigena, Senior Willie, e il Direttore dell’Italian School Committee, Gabriella Matacchioni.
FOTO 4. Uno dei bambini della scuola

Italian Language Week

Italian Consulate in Brisbane

On the occasion of the 7th edition of the ‘International Italian Language Week’, which this year is themed ‘Italians and the Sea’ the Italian Consulate in Brisbane collaborating with Queensland Government (Education Queensland), Co.As.It – Italian Language Centre, the Dante Alighieri Society Brisbane and the Italian School Committee, extends an invitation to participate in the events commencing on Monday the 22nd of October 2007.

The contents of the 7th edition is particularly close to the culture of Australia; the sea as a form and link to recreation, a source of sustainment, of enjoyment and scenic beauty.

Of equal importance is the role that the sea has had in every aspect of Italian culture: in its history, literature, economy, music, art and politics.

In particular for our Italian Immigrants who arrived in Australia via the sea, the voyage creating an unforgettable experience, often entrusted to the pages of a diary, or as the basis of stories and as such many publications: the sea, journeys of imagination, of leaving and returning, a place to encounter new worlds of possibility.

In the modern age, where distances are constantly shortened and an ever-growing number of Italian Tourists visit Australian shores to enjoy its natural beauty, it becomes urgent and important to communicate information about safety on the beach and in the ocean.

These are the suggestions inspiring the events of the upcoming Italian Language Week, created with participation of the scholastic institutions. The theme for the Italian Language Week has risen within the scholastic environment , proposed as a linguistic competition, chosen as a conduit of study and excursion. Therefore, we believe that via the scholastic, the opportunity exists to expand the participants and beneficiaries of the teachings of the Italian Language.

The excursion aboard ship titled, “Italians on High Seas?” offers reflection on new and innovative methods of teaching, stimulating and exploring new routes and new harbours

The Program

- Monday 22nd October 6pm at the offices of Co.As.It. Italian Language Centre, 42 Newbery Street Newmarket, Brisbane 4051, the conference entitled “Garibaldi: man of the sea” presented by Prof. Guerino Lorenzato. The conference joins the theme of Italian Language Week with the celebration of the bicentenary of the birth of Giuseppe Garibaldi and points to underline the important, profound rapport and significance by the ‘hero of two worlds’ developed with the sea, even sailing through Bass Strait in 1852, at the command of the clipper “Carmen”

- Friday 26th October 2007 at 2pm at All Hallows in Ann street, Brisbane the presentation of the winners of “Studitalia”, organised by Education Queensland and the Italian Consulate in Brisbane for Italian language students in year 12 of high school. The winners will spend a month in Italy as guests of Convitto Nazionale di Cividale del Friuli and experience full immersion in Italian schools in Italy, in contact with students and their families. All Hallows will showcase the participants of the competition “Garibaldi: Man of the Sea’s” and “My Grandparents Ocean Voyage’ organised by the Italian Language Centre in Brisbane and North Queensland schools involved in the teaching of Italian Language.

- Saturday 27 October 2007 at 10:30am at the Offices of Co.As.It. Italian Language Centre 42 Newbery Street Newmarket 4051 Brisbane, begins the conference themed “D’Annunzio and the Sea” hosted by prof. Guerino Lorenzato, which explores the role of the sea as a source of inspiration and as an object of love in the dannunziana style.

- Sunday 28 October 2007 at 10am, set sail on the Linguistic Cruise “Italians On the High Seas?”, an experience in immersion in linguistic, a full day dedicated to music, games and literature on the theme of the Sea. Organised by the ‘Dante Alighieri Society of Brisbane, Foster Street, Newmarket and reserved for Italian Language students. Organised to promote the study of the Italian language and the culture in an environment of active participation and motivation, joining pleasure and significant moments, different from the classic lessons. Within this workshop we will reflect upon the text of Alessandro Baricco, “Oceano Mare”.

- On the evening of Friday 2 November 2007 at The Italian School Committee will host at the Civic Centre in Nambour (Sunshine Coast), Currie Street, Top Level il “Taste of Italy”, a representation of recitals, songs, dance and other artistic expressions. Created by primary and secondary schools on the theme of “Italians and the Sea”.

At the same location and presented by the Italian School Committee and with the collaboration of Surf Life Saving at 2pm will be inaugurated the exhibition of posters, created by students of Sunshine Coast schools, who will participate in the competition “Neptune”. The competition is orientated to create a Italian language poster on the concept of Safety at Sea and on the beach in Australia. The schools will be awarded during the presentation by the Consulate.

All the events are open to the public with the exception of the linguistic cruise “Italians On The High Seas” on Sunday the 28 October, however if you are interested in participating, please write to or phone 07 3356 7731.

Lavazza Italian Film Festival 2007 Programme | Brisbane | October 11 - October 28

Italian Film Festival Brisbane

Lavazza Italian Film Festival 2007 Programme
Brisbane October 11 - October 28

Welcome to the 8th edition of the Lavazza Italian Film Festival, Australia’s original Italian Film Festival. Each year we hand pick the very best contemporary Italian films from the Venice, Rome, Cannes and Berlin International Film Festivals and we are very excited about this year’s line-up.

Italy’s most respected and established directors are represented, including Ferzan Ozpetek, Francesca Comencini, veteran directors Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, and auteur Ermanno Olmi whose very last fiction film “One Hundred Nails” is not-to-be-missed.

The Opening Night selection, “Manual of Love 2,” is the highly anticipated sequel to “Manual of Love,” starring Monica Bellucci and Carlo Verdone and judging from your emails, tickets to the Opening Night Events will not last long!

Newcomers have not been overlooked with Roberto Dordit’s and Fausto Brizzi’s debut feature films included. Brizzi won the David di Donatello (Italian Academy) Award for Best New Director for his delightful 80s-themed “The Night Before Exams”.

IFF favourites Stefano Accorsi, Luigi Lo Cascio, Margherita Buy, Laura Morante, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Valeria Golino and Luca Zingaretti make appearances as well as rising star Riccardo Scamacio and Ambra Angiolini, Winner of the David di Donatello for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the stunning drama “Saturn in Opposition”.

I am as passionate about cinema as I am about my Italian heritage. It has been my dream to assemble these films each year into the only independent and truly national cultural film festival in this country giving Australian audiences in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Perth and Hobart the opportunity to see my top pick of recent Italian films.

Grazie mille per la vostra cortese attenzione e spero di incontravi al cinema con un bel vino rosso o un buon caffe italiano, naturalmente Lavazza!

Cav. Antonio Zeccola
Managing Director
Palace Films and Palace Cinemas

Palace Centro
39 James Street
Fortitude Valley (07) 3852 4488

Manual of Love 2

6.45PM Our Country
9.00PM The Lark Farm

3.30PM Apnea
5.30PM Forever Vespa
6.45PM Secret Journey
9.00PM Manual of Love 2

1.00PM Secret Journey
3.15PM The Night Before Exams
5.30PM Kiss Me, Baby
8.00PM The Lark Farm

6.45PM Apnea
8.45PM The Night Before Exams

6.45PM Dark Sea
8.45PM What is Love?

6.45PM One Out of Two
9.00PM Secret Journey

6.45PM The Get-Together Dinner
9.00PM The Lark Farm

6.45PM Kiss Me, Baby
9.15PM Manual of Love 2

3.30PM Dark Sea
5.30PM Forever Vespa
7.00PM What is Love?
9.15PM The Get-Together Dinner

2.00PM Forever Vespa
3.15PM Kiss Me, Baby
5.45PM What is Love?
8.00PM Night Bus

6.45PM One Out of Two
9.00PM Apnea

6.45PM The Night Before Exams
9.00PM The Ball

6.45PM One Hundred Nails
8.45PM Our Country

6.45PM One Out of Two
9.00PM Saturn in Opposition

6.45PM Night Bus
9.00PM Manual of Love 2

2.30PM One Out of Two
4.45PM The Ball
6.45PM One Hundred Nails
8.45PM Saturn in Opposition

1.30PM One Hundred Nails
3.30PM Saturn in Opposition
6.00PM The Ball
8.00PM Night Bus

Settimana della lingua Italiana del mondo

Italian Consulate in BrisbaneConsolato d’Italia

Settimana della lingua Italiana del mondo
Il Consolato d’Italia in Brisbane in occasione della VII edizione della “Settimana della lingua Italiana del mondo”, che ha come tema “L’Italiano e il mare”, in collaborazione con il Governo del Queensland (Education Queensland) e gli Enti Gestori Co.As.It – Italian Language Centre, Societa’ Dante Alighieri Brisbane e Italian School Committee invita a partecipare agli eventi previsti per l’edizione del 2007.

Il contenuto di questa edizione della Settimana e’ particolarmente vicino alla cultura del popolo australiano, valorizzando il mare come forma di collegamento e passaggio, come fonte di sostentamento, di ricreativita’ e di fruizione delle bellezze paesaggistiche.

Altrettanto significativo e’ il ruolo che ha e ha avuto il mare in ogni manifestazione della cultura italiana: storia, letteratura, economia, musica, arte, politica.

In particolare, per i nostri connazionali arrivati in Australia con la nave, il viaggio ha costituito un’esperienza indimenticabile, affidata spesso alle pagine di un diario o di un racconto, come testimoniano molte pubblicazioni: mare, luogo dell’immaginario, dell’andare e del tornare, luogo oltre il quale si incontra l’ignoto e un mondo nuovo di possibilita’.

In un’epoca come quella attuale, in cui le distanze si accorciano sempre di piu’e molti turisti italiani raggiungono l’Australia per godere delle sue bellezze naturali, diventa urgente e doveroso fornire un’adeguata informazione sulla sicurezza in spiaggia e sull’oceano.

Sono queste le suggestioni che hanno ispirato gli eventi di questa settimana, realizzati quasi tutti con la partecipazione delle scuole. Il tema della settimana della lingua e’ stato intrecciato alla didattica, proposto come concorso grafico linguistico, scelto come tema conduttore di laboratori ed escursioni. Riteniamo che proprio attraverso la didattica si possano raggiungere e coinvolgere piu’ utilmente gli attori e i fruitori dell’insegnamento delle lingua italiana.

L’escursione in barca dal titolo “Italiano in alto mare?” ha il merito di farci riflettere su nuove modalita’ di insegnamento, stimolandoci a esplorare nuove rotte e cercare nuovi approdi, tanto per restare in tema.

Segue Programma

- Lunedi’ 22 Ottobre 2007 ore 18,00 presso la sede del Co.As.It. Italian Language Centre, 42 Newbery Street Newmarket qld 4051 Brisbane, si terra’ la conferenza “Garibaldi uomo di mare” a cura del prof. Guerino Lorenzato. L’iniziativa coniuga il tema della settimana della lingua con le celebrazioni del bicentenario della nascita di Giuseppe Garibaldi e mira a sottolineare il rapporto profondo e significativo che l’eroe dei due mondi ha sviluppato con il mare, navigando anche attraverso lo stretto di Bass nel 1852, al comando del Clipper “Carmen”.

- Venerdi’ 26 Ottobre 2007 ore 14,00 presso la scuola All Hallows in Ann street, Brisbane avra’ luogo la premiazione dei vincitori del concorso “Studitalia”, organizzato da Education Queensland e da questo Consolato d’Italia per studenti di italiano, frequentanti l’anno 12 della scuola superiore. I premiati potranno trascorrere un mese in Italia, ospiti del Convitto Nazionale di Cividale del Friuli e sperimentare l’immersione nella nostra scuola e nel nostro paese a contatto con i coetanei e le loro famiglie. In contemporanea saranno esposti gli elaborati degli studenti partecipanti ai concorsi grafici “Garibaldi uomo di mare” e “Il viaggio in mare dei miei nonni”, proposti dall’Italian Language Centre alle scuole di Brisbane e North Queensland, coinvolte nell’insegnamento dell’italiano.

- Sabato 27 Ottobre 2007 ore 10:30 presso la sede del Co.As.It. Italian Language Centre 42 Newbery Street Newmarket qld 4051 Brisbane, si terra’ la conferenza sul tema “D’Annunzio e il mare” a cura del prof. Guerino Lorenzato, che trattera’ il ruolo del mare come fonte d’ispirazione e come oggetto d’ amore nell’estetica dannunziana.

- Domenica 28 Ottobre 2007 ore 10 avra’ luogo la Crociera linguistica “Italiano in alto mare?”, esperienza di immersione linguistica in una giornata interamente dedicata a canzoni, giochi e letture sul tema del mare, organizzata dalla Societa’ Dante Alighieri di Brisbane, Foster Street, New Market e riservata agli studenti di italiano. L’iniziativa ha la finalita’ di favorire lo studio della lingua e della cultura in un clima di partecipazione attiva e motivante, coniugando l’apprendimento al piacere della condivisione di momenti significativi e divertenti, diversi dalla lezione canonica. All’interno di questo “laboratorio” si svolgera’ un momento di riflessione sul testo di Alessandro Baricco, “Oceano Mare”.

- Nella serata di venerdi` 2 Novembre 2007 ore 18 l’Italian School Committee organizza presso il Civic Centre di Nambour (Sunshine Coast), Currie Street, Top Level il “Taste of Italy”, una rappresentazione di recitals, canzoni, balli e altre espressioni artistiche, realizzate dalle scuole primarie e secondarie sul tema “l’Italiano e il mare”.

Nella stessa struttura, sempre a cura dell’Italian School Committee e con la collaborazione del Surf Life Saving sara’ inaugurata alle ore 14 la mostra dei posters elaborati dagli studenti delle scuole della Sunshine Coast, che partecipano al concorso “Nettuno”. Il concorso e’ finalizzato a creare un poster pubblicitario in lingua italiana sulla sicurezza in mare e in spiaggia in territorio australiano. Le scuole saranno premiate nel corso della manifestazione Taste of Italy dal Console.

Si sottolinea che tutti gli eventi sono aperti al pubblico, con la eccezione della crociera linguistica “Italiano in alto mare” di domenica 28 ottobre, alla quale gli interessati potranno iscriversi inviando una email a o telefonando al numero 07 3356 7731.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Francesco Capecchi

It is with great satisfaction that I declare the success of the public and critics obtained from the First Edition of Italian Week 2007 or 'Settimana Italiana' 2007 in Brisbane, in celebrating via a series of high level events, Italy, a country admired throughout the world for its inestimable heritage of unique culture. The proposed objective was successfully achieved.

The program was very articulated. The pop/rock group TRIM opened the week. The five talented musicians of the Roman band, performed before an enthusiastic public of young Italians and Australians, attracted by the combination of Italian and English music, songs selected from their original repertoire, classic Italian songs such as “Eppur mi sono scordato di te” by Lucio Battisti and covers of famous international bands including AC/DC, Queen, Robert Plant, Radiohead. They covered songs by Brisbane band Wolfmother. TRIM performed on 3 June at the popular bar and cafe 'La Dolce Vita' during an event rich with entertainment and which showcases Ferrari sports cars, the proceedings went well into the evening.

Following on, the traditional reception which was attended by the local authorities, amongst which was the President of the Parliament Queensland, Myke Reynolds, all the Italian community leaders, many business people and personalities from the cultural world. The emerging Pianist, Wade Gregory, winner of the Pellegrino Scholarship 2006, entertained the guests with compositions by extraordinary jazz artists both Italian and International, he performed amongst others, odio l’estate” by Bruno Martino.

I consider that it has been an important moment to celebrate and remember an event of paramount importance for our country. On 2 June 1946 the Italian People chose by the democratic expression of referendum, its form of State and started walking the path which brought it to reach a difficult peace, to recover from the wounds of war, to grow economically and politically, to join the European Community and to finally become the modern and democratic worldwide respected and admired country which it is today.

I would like to emphasise that in a globalized world we have to recognise and underline the importance of cultural exchanges among people. In this context, the influence of the Italian cultural patrimony, diffused also through the Italian immigration in Australia, represents an element of paramount value in the country which hosts them and constitutes such a remarkable example of integration and synthesis among different culture.

The Italian Week has been also the perfect occasion to establish a fruitful collaboration with Queensland Government, creating an ideal link between the Italian Week and the Queensland Week. '...Arrivi...Partenze' symbolised the continuity.

Upon this foundation, on 5th June 2007, the Premiere of '...Arrivi...Partenze', presented by DadaDance, produced by Alessandro Sorbello and accompanied by a live performance by noted and accomplished Brazilian Guitarist - percussionist Jaider de Oliveira, took place.

As a recognition of an important synergic cooperation, the Ambassador of Italy in Canberra, H.E. Stefano Starace Janfolla and Mr. Marcia Ann Starace Janfolla, decided to participate to the event, flying from Canberra just for this occasion. The words of the Ambassador constitute a stimulus to continue following the same path for all the people who contributed to the success of the event. In his address he emphasised that projects as the one we presented, a remarkable result of a common effort of the Consulate of Italy and the Queensland Government, represent important moments for their contribution towards the definition of a common culture in a world which is becoming increasingly multicultural.

We very much appreciated the words of Vice minister for Multicultural affairs, Mr Michael Choi, who wished to acknowledge and recognise the significance of the Italian Community in the growth both socially and culturally of Queensland.

'...Arrivi...Partenze' officially closed Italian Week 2007 and so the 'voyage' of the artists who performed here with success. But the 'journey' across Italian Culture, will have in future, other significant moments of similar importance. I formally announce my commitment for “Settimana Italiana 2008”.

Francesco Capecchi
Consul of Italy in Queensland and Northern Territory

Festa Celebration in Rome

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The History of the Repubblica

In June 1948, the first military parade was conducted in via dei Fori Imperiali in Rome. In 1949, after the entry of Italy into the NATO, 10 more parades were conducted in different cities, such as Pordenone, Latina and L'Aquila. In 1950, for the first time, the parade was included in the celebrations for the Republic Day and in 1961, on the hundredth anniversary of the unity, it was also conducted in Turin and Florence, the first capitals of unified Italy. Because of Pope John XXIII’s death in 1963, celebrations were postponed on 4 November.

In 1965 a group of flags which took part in The Great War paraded to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the entry of Italy into the First World War. These flags, kept in The Vittoriano, were placed in command of Colonel Alberto Li Gobbi who was awarded with a gold medal for valour during the Second World War.

The parade was also conducted during the protest of the early 70s. In 1976 it was suspended because of the earthquake in Friuli and it was replaced by a deposition of a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In the meantime, groups of flags which had took part in the War of Liberation and Gonfalons of the cities awarded with gold medals for military valour had been introduced to the parade of 1975. These became permanent elements of 1983-89 parades.

La Festa della Repubblica

The “Festa della Repubblica” is the Italian national holiday celebrated on the second day of June. It commemorates the institutional referendum of 1946 when (by universal suffrage) the Italian population was called to decide what form of government (monarchy or republic) to give to the country after the second world war and the fall of Fascism. After 85 years of monarchy, with 12,717,923 votes for and 10,719,284 votes against, Italy became a Republic, and the monarchs of the House of Savoy were deposed and exiled. This is one of the most important Italian national holidays which, like July 14th in France (Storming of the Bastille) and July 4th in the USA (Independence Day), celebrates the birth of the nation.

All over the world Italian embassies hold celebrations with Heads of State of the host country. Heads of State from all over the world send congratulations to the President of the Republic. Special official ceremonies take place in Italy.

Before the foundation of the Republic, the national holiday was on the first Sunday of June, anniversary of the Statuto (constitution) granted by the King Carlo Alberto of Savoy.